by Sally


After a few gatherings with Tvs I had one special gripe - the recurring reference to "my brother". Of course, everyone else was referring to their "brother", too. The talk would be, "My brother is an engineer," or, "My brother likes to hunt." "My brother" does this or that! Maybe I'm not in the groove yet, but still can't separate myself into TWO SEPARATE beings. Bob is in the insurance business but Sally is, too. Bob likes to hunt but Sally does, too. What I'm saying is BOB/SALLY is always present. One is NEVER absent.

It appears to me that many transvestites try too hard to separate the masculine and the feminine. In doing so they become strained. They appear to be afraid that their "brother" or male- self will show through when they are crossdressed. In pretending that their "brother" isn't there, they seem to end up somewhat ill at ease.

The gals who are able to relax and be completely feminine are to be envied. It is possible that their basic personality is feminine enough so that they just naturally appear to be at ease.

The remainder of us, instead of working so hard to be 100% feminine, should allow our "brother" to show through a little. After all, many of the real girls have the same interests as males and not only like to talk about these interests but also do not mind showing a masculine side when talking about such things.
